SVdP Wellness Policy

Creating a Healthy School Environment
St. Vincent de Paul School recognizes its role in creating a healthy environment for the prevention of childhood obesity and combating problems associated with poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.  It is the intent of this policy to engage all members of the school and community to maintain an environment that enhances maximum student potential.  The Wellness Committee will evaluate the effectiveness of the Wellness Policy annually.  The Wellness Committee is comprised of representatives of the school board, school administration, teachers including physical education, school food authority, school health professional, community members, and parents.  

Nutrition Education
Students in grades K-8 will be educated in good nutrition practices as part of science, and/or physical education curriculum.

1. Meet by grade levels to identify what practices are covered at each level.
2. Share with teachers on other grade levels what is covered.
3. Disseminate information to other staff, parents, and students.
4. Visual messages in the cafeteria will focus on healthy nutrition practices.
5. Participate in the Offer vs Serve through the National School Lunch Program.
6. Participate as a Team Nutrition school.

Meet with staff to determine how this will be reported (lesson plans, curriculum coordinators, and meetings).

Students will write about or illustrate a healthy practice they are learning in science, and/or physical education class.

Physical Activity and Education
To offer opportunities for students to experience a variety of physical activities while teaching the value of a consistent fitness program for better health, academic success, and general personal well-being.  This includes maintaining a lunch schedule that provides recess before lunch.  

1. Recess provided for all grade levels.
2. Alternate locations for recess between soccer field, playground equipment, and concrete basketball court.
3. Students move every 30-40 minutes to change class.
4. Use Nebraska Essential Learning Skills for physical education.
5. Students in grades 2-8 have recess before lunch.

Teachers and staff will oversee students and their activities during recess.  

1. Students will self-monitor progress through fitness testing. 
2. School administration reviews the schedule and calendar annually.

Nutrition Standards
Efforts are made to include healthy snack choices for classroom celebrations, parties, and other activities outside of the school meal program.  The school lunch program participates in the National School Lunch Program and meets the criteria set within that program.

1. Family Handbook stresses sending healthy snacks during classroom celebrations, parties, and other activities.
2. Provide nutrition standards and guidelines for students in grades 6-8.
3. Consult with a nutritionist regarding education and resources for students as needed.
4. Increase selection of fruits and vegetables during lunch for grades 6-8.
5. Daily a la carte items of yogurt and fresh fruit and vegetables are available for grades 5-8.
6. Mid-morning snacks brought from home may be fruit, vegetables, pretzels, or goldfish for grades 6-8.
7. Maintain status as a Team Nutrition school.
8. Participate in the Offer vs Serve lunch option to increase the fruit and vegetable options.

Monitor student lunch trays for consumption of food served specifically targeting fruits and vegetables.

Adhere to National School Lunch Program guidelines.  Review what students are choosing and changing menus as needed to increase consumption.

Public Notification
To notify parents and general public of the actions taken by the Wellness Committee to promote wellness within the school setting.

Place the Wellness Policy on the school website under the Parents dropdown menu.

View website to determine the Wellness Policy has been included.

Make sure policy is current and available to parents and general public.

Reporting of Results
The Wellness Policy will be implemented at St. Vincent de Paul School by the faculty and staff of St. Vincent de Paul School.

The identified process for the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation will be conducted as indicated in the action plan.   


Reviewed and Revised March, 2017

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